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Section II: Faculty

Policy Number: II-2.30(D)

University of Maryland, College Park Policy and Procedures Concerning Adoption Leave for Faculty

(Approved by the President )

I. Policy

All University of Maryland System employees who are eligible to earn sick leave may use earned sick leave up to a maximum of thirty (30) days as adoption leave subject to the following provisions:

  1. Adoption leave is available only in cases of formal adoption;  it is not available in any other case including but not limited to legal guardianship or foster care.
  2. Approved adoption leave shall commence on the actual date of custody of the child without regard to the date of legal adoption.
  3. Adoption leave may be authorized only for employees with primary responsibility for the care of the adoptee. In the event that both adoptive parents are State employees, adoptive leave shall be available to only one parent.
  4. As adoption is a planned event, employees planning to request adoption leave must advise their department heads in advance to minimize the effect of the absence.
  5. An employee shall be permitted one period of adoption leave for each instance of adoption. The adoption of more than one individual at any given time shall be treated as a single instance of adoption.

II. Procedures

  1. Request for Leave
    1. A request for adoption leave must be in writing to the department head and include:
      • anticipated beginning and ending dates;
      • a statement that the employee has primary responsibility for the care of the adoptee;
      • documentation of the adoption.
    2. The department head shall recommend approval or disapproval of the request.
    3. The request is forwarded to the Vice  President for Academic Affairs for approval or disapproval. The decision of the Vice President shall be final.