Office of the President
Campus Messages

Remembering the One-Year Anniversary of October 7, 2023

Message from President Darryll J. Pines

By Darryll J. Pines

Dear campus community,

We began our academic year together just one week ago, and I championed a message of Terps Together. Later that same day, I reminded our Terrapin community that we welcome and expect expressive activity that follows university policy and the law. This requires us to know and understand our First Amendment rights, as well as the limits of, and the responsibilities associated with, those rights. Above all, I have underscored the paramount importance of campus safety.

Today, I write to you in anticipation of the upcoming one-year anniversary of October 7, 2023. As a university community, we acknowledge the significance of the anniversary of October 7 and recognize the horrific suffering it represents for people here on our campus and across the globe. We know that this year is like no other.

Applications for events led by several student organizations have been submitted for October 7, and questions have been raised about the events of the day. Numerous calls have been made to cancel and restrict the events that take place that day, and I fully understand that this day opens emotional wounds and evokes deeply rooted pain. The language has been charged and the rhetoric intense.

Given the overwhelming outreach, from multiple perspectives, I requested a routine and targeted safety assessment for this day to understand the risks and safety measures associated with planned events. UMPD has assured me that there is no immediate or active threat to prompt this assessment, but the assessment is a prudent and preventive measure that will assist us to keep our safety at the forefront.

I have also consulted with the University System of Maryland about the importance of our university and all of our USM schools prioritizing safety and reflection on this one-year anniversary. Jointly, out of an abundance of caution, we concluded to host only university-sponsored events that promote reflection on this day. All other expressive events will be held prior to October 7, and then resume on October 8 in accordance with time, place and manner considerations of the First Amendment.

Our Terrapin community's culture of safety and respect has been exemplary, as we continue to pursue an inclusive, multicultural campus.

We encourage our entire campus community to mark the anniversary of October 7 with remembrance and reflection.

Please continue checking on and supporting your fellow Terps, as this time is a difficult one for many. Please continue to plan expressive activities in accordance with our policies. Let's move forward this semester with voices being heard and safety our shared priority.


Signature of President Darryll Pines

Darryll J. Pines
President, University of Maryland

X: @President_Pines
Instagram: @President_Pines