Office of the President
Campus Messages

Valuing freedom of expression

Message from President Darryll J. Pines

By Darryll J. Pines

Dear campus community,

Freedom of thought and expression are the lifeblood of our academic community, and we believe there is no better place to exchange ideas than on a university campus.

Providing our community with resources and expectations is important to create a culture where ideas flourish and diverse thoughts intermix. This means engaging with students, faculty and staff to cultivate a shared understanding that we all must do our part to let differing opinions be heard while being respectful and keeping our campus safe.

For our returning Terps, you've heard this many times before. For the new members of our community, please join us in this commitment. We encourage every student, faculty and staff member to visit to familiarize yourself with our Statement on Free Speech Values and find additional information about protected and unprotected speech, academic freedom, civility and respect, and other related matters.

We are fortunate to teach, learn and work at one of the most diverse and dynamic public flagship land grant universities in the world. We can say without hesitation that we welcome and expect expressive activity that is within the bounds of our policies and applicable state and federal laws.

How the university makes space for public demonstrationWe encourage all Terps to stay informed about the policies and interim policies we have in place that provide space and opportunity to express yourself, including coordinating with campus officials and addressing potential security needs.

University representatives work with demonstrators and event hosts to provide event guidance and ensure compliance with university policies and law. Groups are often joined by our free speech response team, who are trained volunteer staff who work to support members of our community as they make their voices heard. We would like to personally thank the Division of Student Affairs for coordinating dozens of these volunteers from across campus and express our gratitude to every free speech response team member who serves UMD.

Because the nature, size and scope of expressive activities can vary, the University of Maryland Police Department works with university officials to determine the security needs of the event.

You are likely to see and hear expressive activity on campus on issues you may or may not agree with, and spaces like McKeldin Mall and Hornbake Plaza can be reserved, in accordance with our policies and procedures, by groups, including external ones with messages that may not align with university values. As a public institution, we cannot discriminate on the basis of content or viewpoint, and must therefore allow such groups to be heard as well.

Understanding policies and lawsWhile free speech and expression is a constitutional right, it is not boundless, and should be weighed with its impact on others. University policy does not allow for individuals to obstruct, disrupt, interrupt, or attempt to force the cancellation of any program, event, lecture, or seminar hosted by the university or those authorized to use our spaces. No one is permitted to disrupt campus operations or our ability to move about, or engage in unlawfully harassing, physically abusive, threatening, or lewd or obscene conduct toward any person. In the state of Maryland, disruptive activities and behavior may also be subject to criminal charges.

Find more information about our interim time, place and manner policies for facilities use, chalking, posting and flyering on the University Senate website.

The 2024 electionOur educational mission compels us to be a space for the open exchange of ideas and perspectives. This year, we are witnessing a historic presidential race, and we embrace the advocacy that goes hand-in-hand with a healthy democracy. We’re proud that our faculty will teach and engage in research and scholarly work with students and others to examine the impacts and outcomes of the 2024 election. This will happen through coursework, discussions, and interdisciplinary programs such as the Maryland Democracy Initiative.

There is no better time to be engaged citizens of our campus community, and to help shape the future of our nation. You can visit to find additional resources regarding the election, including key dates, registration status and how to get involved. We urge you to check deadlines to register to vote and to request an absentee ballot if you are unable to vote in person. We also encourage you to explore the possibility of serving as an election poll worker.

In closing, thank you for making the University of Maryland a community that values freedom, respect, safety and serving the public good.

When we all work together, we are TerrapinSTRONG!


Jay RossellóVice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel

Darryll J. PinesPresident, University of Maryland