Office of the President

Honor Roll 1997-98 | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues

This past academic year several lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) faculty, staff, and students made significant contributions to scholarship and teaching at the University of Maryland, while several members of the campus community distinguished themselves by enriching life at UM through their work on LGB issues. The President's Commission for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues recognizes them on an Honor Roll that begins with LGB members of the College Park community who gained special recognition this year, continues with individuals who were honored for their contributions to LGB issues, and ends by acknowledging the support of commissioners whose terms expire with the close of the academic year.

Members of the LGB campus community receiving special recognition

  • Ruth E. Fassinger
    Associate Professor, Counseling and Personnel Services
    Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
  • Sandra C. Greer
    Professor, Chemical Engineering
    Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
  • Luke Jensen
    Lecturer, School of Music
    Spokesperson for the University System of Maryland Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Staff and Faculty Association
  • Hugh McGowan
    Junior, Health Education
    William E. Kirwan Award
  • Thomas M. Regan
    Professor and Associate Dean, Clark School of Engineering
    Regents' Award for Excellence
  • Jason Schneiderman
    Senior, English
    Maryland Medallion
  • LGBA (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance)
    Student Organization of the Year

Members of the campus community recognized for contributions to LGB issues

  • Meghan Duffy
    Junior, English
    Finalist for the William E. Kirwan Award
    Citation included her work with the Allies Project, the LGBA, and ANGELS (AIDS Needs Greater Education, Love and Support).
  • Arthur M. Eckstein
    Professor, History
    Diversity Initiative Faculty Award
    Citation included his leadership and support for domestic partner benefits as Chair of the Senate Human Relations Committee.
  • William E. Kirwan
    Defender of Diversity
    Citation included his membership and support on the Board of Regents' Ad Hoc Committee on Domestic Partner Benefits, and his naming of the first President's Commission for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues.
  • Suzanne Marcus
    Senior, Women's Studies
    Recognition for addressing sexual orientation as Coordinator of the Women's Circle, as Co-Coordinator of the Annual Woman's LeadershipConference, and as a volunteer for Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive.
  • Shari Scott
    Junior, Health Education
    Finalist for the William E. Kirwan Award
    Citation included her work with ANGELS.

Honors to members of this Commission whose terms expire

  • Javaune M. Adams-Gaston
    Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies
  • Laura Keohane
    Campus Compliance Officer, Human Relations Programs
  • Patricia L. Mielke
    Director, Resident Life
  • Jason Schultz
    Doctoral Candidate, Mathematics
  • Paul L. Taylor, Jr.
    Assistant Director, Architecture, Engineering and Construction
  • Nadra Wass
    Senior, German and Electrical Engineering