Speak Out | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues
Speak Out to the PCLGBI
Help Create an LGB Friendly Environment at Maryland by Speaking Out to the PCLGBI
October 9, 1997 from 2 to 5 in the Maryland Room of Marie Mount Hall, the President's Commission for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues will listen to you speak out. Please help us meet our charge to advise the President and others in the campus administration on issues of concern to lesbian, gay and bisexual students, faculty and staff. In particular, help us meet our charge to "recommend policies and programs to insure that the university environment is sensitive to the needs of lesbians, gays and bisexuals." All interested persons are invited to participate. You need not be lesbian, gay or bisexual to speak; in fact, half of the commissioners are not.
To accommodate as many people as possible, you are requested to limit statements to three minutes. You may call 301.405.5801 to reserve a time. Those without a reservation will be heard as time permits. We strongly encourage all who speak to provide a written statement as well. Comments that do not fit into the allotted time should be included in the written version. Anyone who cannot attend the event is encouraged 1) to speak directly with a member of the Commission; and/or 2) to write to us about your concerns. Anonymous communication will be accepted and should be addressed to:
President's Commission for Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Issues
Office of the President
1109 Main Administration Building
College Park, MD 20742
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Luke Jensen, chair