PCDI SAC and Disability Community Affinity Spaces
Join us!
PCDI SAC hosts bi-weekly Student Disability Community Affinity Spaces in the fall and spring semesters. If you identify as part of the Disability community, please come join us! These meetings provide an opportunity for us to connect, socialize, and support each other (including by sharing resources).

Interested in joining PCDI SAC?
The mission of the University of Maryland (UMD) President’s Commission on Disability Issues (PCDI) Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is to amplify the voices of UMD students with disabilities and their advocates and to create a platform for those people to form bonds and propose change.
Email pcdi-sac@umd.edu if you are interested in joining and you will be invited to the next meeting! Please share the PCDI SAC PDF Flyer with students who you think may be interested in joining!
Last update: July 07, 2022