Upcoming News and Updates

Disabled Legal Rights Awareness Seminar
Are you interested in learning how to advocate for disability rights, both on campus and in future jobs? Come to our disability awareness seminar in coordination with the President’s Commission on Disability Issues (PCDI)! The seminar will be focused on assisting students to find job opportunities post-graduation that provide necessary disability accommodations that best ensure workplace equity and resource allocation for optimal success. Location: Biology-Psychology (BPS) Building, room 0283 Time: 5:00-7:00 PM Date: May 4th, 2023 Zoom Link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/671252930 Phone Number: 301-820-5653 Questions? Contact spattan1@terpmail.umd.edu
For more information, check the flyer and the PCDI website.

Wheelchair Tennis Program
JTCC, a tennis center in College Park, offers free weekly wheelchair tennis clinics on Sundays from 1-3 pm. The clinics are open to people with disabilities of all ages, from beginners to experienced players. Sports wheelchairs and tennis rackets are provided. Wheelchair tennis has only one difference between its able-bodied counterpart – the tennis ball may bounce up to two times instead of just once. Everything else - the scoring, size of the court, equipment – is the same, and you can play the sport with anyone whether they are playing in a wheelchair or not! The qualification to compete in official competition is a permanent disability that affects mobility at or below the waist. If you do not have a qualifying disability but are still interested in learning more about the sport or volunteering, you are more than welcome to attend!
Sundays | 1-3 pm | Register
For more information, visit https://pcdi.umd.edu/other-events/wheelchair-tennis-program
Questions? Please contact Gabby Hesse at ghesse@jtcc.org

Disability Community Affinity Space
The PCDI Student Advisory Committee's (SAC) mission is to amplify the voices of UMD students with disabilities and their advocates, and to create a platform for those people to form bonds and propose change.
PCDI SAC will host bi-weekly Student Disability Community Affinity Spaces in Spring 2022. If you identify as part of the Disability community, please come join us! These meetings will provide an opportunity for us to connect, socialize, and support each other (including by sharing resources).
Email pcdi-sac@umd.edu if you are interested in joining and you will be invited to the next meeting! Please share the PCDI SAC PDF Flyer with students who you think may be interested in joining!