Meetings: 2002 (2.11) | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues
Meeting Minutes for Monday 11 February 2002
Present: Roberta Coates, Vicky Foxworth, Deb Grandner (Res. Life), Sandra Green (Chem. Eng.), James Harris (Dean, A & H), Nancy Harris (Health Center), Luke Jensen, Michael J. Marcuse Linda Valli (Coll. of Ed.), Nancy Yeroshefsky (Fac. Mgmt.),
Introduction of New Commission Members:
Mark Brimhall-Vargas (Office of Human Relations Programs)
Jeff VanCollins (Graduate Assistant to Dr. Robert Waters)
Kudos to Luke for LGBT Certificate Approval
- MHEC [Maryland Higher Education Commission] should be smooth sailing
- MHEC has 30 days to approve the program
- Vic Corman, Associate Provost has been a very strong advocate for the certificate program
Office of Human Relations Program Intergroup Dialogue Program from SILC – LGBT People of Color / LGBT White People Tuesdays, March 5th – April 16th, 4p – 6pFor more information contact Paul Gorski at or 5.8192
Facilitators: Luke Jensen & Sivagami Subbaraman
Call for Nominations from Marsha Guenzler-Stevens due February 22nd, 2002. Go to for awards nomination form.
Domestic Partners Benefits Update:
- Earliest date for legislative examination is March
- Budget discussions may push examination (decision?) to April or May
- Get in comments to legislators ASAP
- Benefits in Montana (test state) has been denied by state legislature
- According to the ACLU approximately 1/3 of all public university systems offers domestic partner benefits
- No objection to Vicky submitting comment re: domestic partner benefits on behalf of the commission
- Vicky will cc: the commission members
Educational Training Efforts: What Can The Commission Do?
- Dean’s Council Meeting
- Possibly 15 minutes
- gain support for initiative by making Deans available of Luke’s training resources
- attempt to get support from the Provost
- Ask Deans: Has the time come for a (openly) gay Dean?
- Meeting with Directors & Department Heads
- 20 – 60 minutes depending on natural grouping
- discuss unit climate issues for LGBT personnel
- assist in creating a productive environment for LGBT personnel
- Meeting with Academic Department Heads
- Discuss course content re: LGBT issues
- Discuss the tenure process for LGBT faculty
- Discuss how do you make people feel at home when recruiting for positions
- How do we signal faculty / staff candidates of the culture / climate of the institution without asking, “Are you gay”?
- Break into groups and come up with a list regarding the recruitment and hiring of LGBT faculty, staff and students
For all potential or actual undergraduate or graduate students:
- Any any printed document that the university sends out should contain verbal reference to lgbt students or topics of interest to them and, if it is illustrated, it should also include a visual that expresses the diversity of lgbt students.
- Departments and other units that have websites routinely consulted by students should include a link either to the diversity webpage or to the homepage of the Coordinator of LGBT equity.
- All orientations, large and small, should include explicit reference to lgbt students and referral information for any attendees who are interested.
- Outreach and recruiting trips should include information about the lgbt resources on campus.
- All personnel who work with students in any capacity should be encouraged to consider posting the safe space sign or a comparable visual cue that lgbt students are safe being themselves in that office.
- All advisors and advising offices on campus should receive a packet from the commission which includes a safe space card, the resource guide, and other documents that will be helpful including a letter from the commission about the importance of making all students, including lgbt students, feel welcome and supported.
- If and as domestic partners of faculty and staff secure any benefits, comparable additions should be made available to the domestic partners of students.
- If there are numbers/percentages available about the lgbt presence on campus or in particular units, they should be made available in the above venues as part of the information given to students.
For self identified LGBT potential and actual undergraduate and graduate students:
- Students should be offered or receive copies of our resource brochure from the university offices they visit.
- Students should be made aware of the Certificate in LGBT studies, and the range and variety of LGBT related courses on campus. Luke's website is a resource here, too.
- Provide a list of national / regional / local LGBT organizations to the Equity Officer’s charge manual for presentation to campus search committees
- Present search committees with questions to pose to candidates that are absent of heterosexual overtones (undertones?)
- Use better pronouns, i.e., partner instead of spouse
- Train equity officers to expand on explanations -- discuss more about what affirmative action policies mean and not just what they say
- Make search committee and interviewers aware that candidates are always interviewing even when moving between interview sessions or at meals; there is no “social conversation” for candidates during in the presence of interviewers
- Send information regarding campus LGBT culture / climate to candidates in on-campus interview information packets
- consider revising AA / EEOC compliance cards to address LGBT candidates applying for the campus positions
- Revise non-discrimination statement in job postings
- Revise the interview process; consider structured questions to be presented to candidates
- address new laws impacting LGBT discrimination during recruiting and interview process
- develop statistics on campus demographics regarding self-identified LGBT faculty and staff
- consider revising AA / EEOC compliance cards to address LGBT candidates applying for the campus positions