Office of the President

Meetings: 2011 (6.14) | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues

PCLGBTI Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2011 / 1:30-3 p.m.

Location: Heilsa Room, Health Center

In attendance: Tanner (notetaker), Penny, Nick, Noah, Hannah, Dan, Joan

1. Report for the President, and related report(s)

We discussed having 2 or more reports:

One report will go to President Loh (short priority list of things we need him to work on - perhaps with a policy and needed resources focus),
Other more detailed report(s) will be for the Commission (future work) and the community.
We need enough background for the President to understand the issues and will offer our assistance to the President in working through issues. Additional executive summaries and letters may be needed.

Tanner will solicit information on effective ways for us to approach the President with the report, developing support for our recommendations as we move forward, and will try to get a copy of a recent PCEMI report to review formatting.

We need a draft report for people to respond to.

Nick very graciously offered work on a draft in late July, before the August 9 meeting. He will need to pass the document to a group of others to carry it forward. Nick will work on an outline first - for both the Loh report and larger report.
It was mentioned that we should try to use themes that Dr. Loh used in his inaugural speech and elsewhere, including

It was noted that Mark and Hannah had offered to help with data and any needed research section. It was also noted that our prior goal of a late August final report is not realistic given everyone's summer obligations. Early fall is more realistic.

2. Summer Meetings

The July 12 meeting has been canceled. Next meeting is August 9, 1:30-3, Health Center Heilsa Room 0141.

Main topic: review what Nick has written and determine who takes the report forward for further work.