Meetings: 2002 (9.9) | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues
Meeting Minutes from September 9, 2002
In Attendance
Patty Wang, Martha Nell Smith, Andrea Poag, Sandra greer, Nacy Yeroshefsky Elizabeth hagofsky, Jim Harris, Roger Candelara, Ian Savoy, Nancy Harris, Luke Jensen, Linda Valli, Daryl Williams, Rob Waters, Paul Dillon, Mark Brimhall Vargas, Vicky Foxworth
Guest: Shiva Subbaraman
1. Membership Update: Michael Marcuse and Nancy Yeroshefsky agreed to serve another term for two years, Linda Valli agreed to serve another term for one year, Merrilee Lindaman, Elizabeth Hagofsky, and Roger Candelara agreed to serve as ex-officio members in their respective roles as Director of the LGBT Studies Program, LGBT Coordinator in Campus Programs, and Campus Compliance Officer. Mark Brimhall Vargas has moved from serving in an ex-officio capacity as the acting campus compliance officer to a member with a two year term. Athletics will be re3presented by Karen Shifferil or Andrea Poag. Welcome to new members!!
2. Schedule for the year. All meetings will be held in 0120 Nymburu from 3:00 to 5:00. on the second Monday of each month. The dates are as follows. Oct. 15, Nov. 11, Dec. 9, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 10, April 14, and May 12.
3. DP Benefits. Both Luke and Vicky have been trying to get an update from Frances Canavan at USM – will continue to try. Once we get a clear update Vic will meet with Dr. Mote to encourage further movement.
4. The Laramie Project
a. Copies of the Laramie Project were distributed. These were gifts from Bob Hampton, Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Thanks have been extended. Copies were also given to other Commission chairs.
b. Vicky is trying to get tickets for PCLGBTI members and, if possible for all of the commissions to see the Laramie Project. Tickets are limited, but Dan Wagner, Chair of Theater, is very supportive of the idea will see what he can do. It might be that we can get tickets to the dramatic reading on Dec. 4 or 6.
c. The campus is expecting protests by Fred Phelps and his group. Flyers indicated that he will be here from Nov. 8 –10. We can expect between 10 and 20 protesters. Luke reported that Phelps has shown up at all protests he said he would be at. Elizabeth noted the students want to respond in some way. A variety of options were discussed. The Commission agreed that an educational push exploring options for how to respond will be critical so all voices can be heard.
5. Office for LGBT Equity
Luke provided an overview of the role of his office and distributed a flyer listing office functions. His largest concerns are adequate space and needing more staff. He feels the PCLGBTI can be most helpful by advocating for his 4 key proposed initiatives: hiring an Associate Director who would focus on working with LGBT people of color and LBT women, peer mentoring for LGBT students, Intergenerational mentoring for LGBT students, and ally training for interested campus citizens. While the Office for LGBT Equity has been allotted space in Cole field House it in inadequate and doesn’t take into account Luke’s stated needs. There is also frustration the LGBT Equity and the LGBT Studies program will not be sharing space in Cole as had been requested.
6. LGBT Studies
Marilee discussed the new LGBT studies program which will be housed in Tawes. We now have an LGBT course prefix. Students can get an undergraduate certificate in LGBT studies from the division of Undergraduate Studies. Marilee would like the Commission to help spread the word that the program is here. She gave out flyers for us to distribute. She also discussed her ambivalence about the Laramie Project because it brings visibility to gay bashing but that is such a limited part of our experience. She stressed that it was important for us to come together as a community for positive reasons.
7. PCLGBTI Web Site – Shiva Subbaraman
Shiva describe the new web site and asked for the Commission to review it and provide suggestions for things to add or modify.
8. Logo
We agreed to discuss our logo at the next meeting.
9. Commission GA
Vicky inquired about leads for possible GA’s to share with the Commission on Ethnic and Minority Issues. Elizabeth, Marilee, and all said they might have leads. Rob will email them to follow-up.
10. The meeting adjourned and members went to the Union for the LGBT reception sponsored by the Office for LGBT Equity.