Meetings: 2005 (4.18) | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues
- Announcements
- Provost Conversation: There is a Provost’s conversation today at 4:30. Topic is “Asian American Model Minority”
- Sally: The Family Assistance Program is trying to raise money so that they can continue to offer their services. The fundraiser planned for this weekend is a 10 or 25-mile bike ride. They bike ride will be held from 8am-12pm and it is $20 to ride. More information can be found on the HHP or Family Studies Website.
- Colage (Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere): is going to be having an event at Hotel Helix. There will be food, music, dancing. Kids are welcome.
- Student Group: There will be a fundraiser taking place at Franklin’s. Eat at Franklins and proceeds will go to Oaxaca families.
- Tunnel of Oppression: May 4th from 10am-7pm. There will be a display in the union, set up as an interactive Museum in order to create awareness around issues of oppression. Looking for volunteers. More information can be found on the website:
- DP Benefits
- Rob and Coke met with Ann Wiley and Linda Clemet. Proposal was submitted, and the President wants more details regarding what benefits will actually be involved
- The Goal is to have this wrapped up by the end of the semester
- President is also looking for the best way to announce that these benefits have been added.
- President received a letter from the faculty and grad students from the sociology department asking him to fight for DP benefits at the state level
- DP Benefits Strategies Subcommittee
- Tried to analyze why the 1997 proposal was shot down
- Looked at what could be done now that benefits are there. Came up with a 3-prong approach concentrating on 1. Legislative, 2. System support, and 3. Employee advocacy.
- Will invite Dan Fumansky to be a guest speaker for the commission helping to identify strategies.
- There was also a discussion about the dissonance that may be present between the President and his administration team.
- Research Project
Kevin Fries is interested in starting an archival project that will track papers from the Commission (minutes, agendas, etc.), with the goal of setting up a database through the library so that others can have access to these documents, and so we can begin tracking the successes of the Commission.
- LGBT Studies
- Film Screening: 4/21, Out of Season and 5/5
- Symposium: 4/26, Art work in LGBT studies
- LGBT Equity Office:
- Rainbow Terrapin: training will be coming up, please encourage people to come out
- Lavender Grad: Sat May 21st at 3pm in Colony Ballroom. If you are interested in participating send Luke an email.