Meetings: 2011 (5.9) | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues
PCLGBTI Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2011
Location: Symons Hall
Top concerns from faculty/staff town hall:
Orient to LGBT resources (New Staff orientations)
DP Benefits – tuition
Gender Identification in Non Discrimination Policy
Chick Fil-A in Stamp
Education – issues
Top concerns from the student town hall:
Trans housing
Medical Benefits (trans.)
Space reservation – LGBT groups
LGBT mentors & connections
Education of other students on campus
Other Important Issues:
-Marketing of existing resources
-Scale of existing resources
-Revitalize LGBT Faculty and staff
-Health Care & Health issues
-Resident Life
-Trans. Policy issues (many), ex: names
-Need mentors
-Need more information
-Aggregate/disseminate wide range of information in one place
-Advertise visibility – information, resources
-Communication (inclusive) of information in all the packets
-Review Diversity Plan and figure out where LGBT fits
-Bring together LGBT groups together (LGBT Central?) > Student & Fac/Staff
-Expanding resources so offices are able to scale up staffing (ex: LGBTE, MICA)
LGBT Resource agendas – supporting faculty & grads
-An LGBT voice and inclusiveness in Diversity Plan
>See Loh’s four points in his Inaugural Speech
-Making information available in multiple languages
-Partner hires
– Invite Dale A. to PCLGTI to discuss needs re: Benefits information
Need opportunities for concerns to be raised in ongoing ways like town halls, but smaller venues, more focused topics
Senior leadership needs to attend
Input in New Staff Orientation:
Collaborate with other Commissions on a 1-page insert into packet (and/or flyer with links to useful websites)
Opportunity to speak at UHR and find out who is responsibility for maintaining the content?
Cynthia Tucker may be a contact?
Input for new student orientation:
Can we give this to The One Project to do?
What is given to all freshmen?
Having someone from the Commission be present at new orientation
Can we get information into more/all UNIV 100 courses?
LGBT Equity has been at New Student orientations for 10 years already
Idea – “3 sheets” – Students, Faculty, Staff
Funding for an information campaign – Buses, Logo, Etc?
Marketing = key activity for retreat
Develop Strategic Media Plan
Focus on partnerships:
Ex: UNIV100 (But decentralized, non-standardized curriculum “How can we support you” in doing standardized curriculum)
Scholars are interested in adding diversity curriculum, so this is a good time to bring it up.
Space Reservation Issues for Students Groups
Who is this affecting?
Could partner with other student groups
- workaround: faculty can reserve non-stamp rooms for groups.