Meetings: 2011 (4.18) | The President’s Commission for LGBT Issues
PCLGBTI Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2011 / 10:30 - Noon
Location: Health Center
In attendance: Tanner Wray, Nick Sakurai, Sue Elliott, JV Sapinoso, Coke Farmer, Joan Bellsey, Natalia Cuadra, Tosh Patterson, Daniel Hayes, Joanna “JoJo” Damiano, Mark Brimhall-Vargas, Penny Jacobs, Luke Jensen, Bob Mueck, Jarah Moesch, Brooke Auxier
1. Agenda Review
2. Updates from Tanner Benefits:
a. Dave Rieger sent an e-mail about open enrollment for benefits for faculty and staff. It mentioned that same sex couples married in other states could access benefits. Tanner e-mailed him back about the fact that couples married abroad are also supposed to have access to benefits.
Response e-mail from Dave Rieger: “The State will absolutely accept certified marriage certificates from other countries. Those in languages other than English must be translated by a third party and notarized (or something equivalent if translated in another country).”
b. A need exists to get what’s out there (benefits, etc.) clearly articulated to people. Nothing about DP benefits is on the UHR website. Tanner has contacted UHR about this.
- Nothing on the website about tax issues either.
They were waiting for Senate to make a decision on same-sex marriage, but now something needs to be done. Apparently, UHR was not given procedures from central administration.
- Typically, when the Board of Regents makes a decision, central administration sends out a memo on what procedures need to be followed, and it is our understanding that that memo never went out.
- Whether they got the instruction or not, it needs to be done. They agreed to work on it.
Tanner will follow-up with Dan & Dale Anderson.
Meeting with Will Clemm from Stamp about room reservations:
a. Jay to provide an update?
b. Clemm said he is awaiting something in writing from the students
c. Seemed open to discussion and Tanner said the Commission may be in contact soon
Changes made to resident life website:
a. Result of contact from students
b. Meeting with Res. Life in June to follow up on Town Hall and discuss next steps
3. Town Hall Meeting Minutes–
a. No comments came in from Commission members even though there was a need for changes voiced at the last meeting.
b. Add introductory comments to both documents (written by Brooke) - Add a line to the distilled version making clear that the notes are: “just a distilled version of what people said” so it doesn’t look like that is what the Commission believes.
c. Discussion on distribution of the distilled notes:
- Use them as a way to adjust our priorities - Do we make them public? Now… or not at all? Maybe not at this time?
- Distributing them to departments and giving them the opportunity to respond or come up with a plan.
- Decision: Commission will use them internally and reflect that in the introductory remarks. Distilled notes will be used for Commission to develop our priorities and work plans.
d. Feedback about notes from town hall
- Review the raw notes while listening to the tapes and make sure they are accurate. Then put them up on the web.
• JV will review the DVDs and make changes to the raw notes and send revised notes to Brooke on Monday. Brooke will post the notes on the website and Mark will then e-mail the “town hall list-serve,” the Commission, LGBT lists & FYI.
- Supposed to have 5 DVD copies of each town hall, we only have one of each.
• Mark will follow up with Rob in Stamp to obtain DVDs.
• In the meantime, make copies of the town hall DVD – Tanner will contact Allan Rough in Non Print Media to at least get a second copy of the DVDs before they are distributed to anyone.
4. For the May 9 meeting:
a. Everyone should review the raw and distilled notes.
- Come up with top 5 priorities and bring bulleted list/the lists can be separated: one for faculty/stuff, one for students.
- Define reality, perception, and what we know is in process (not necessarily discussed). Perhaps the larger issue is information dissemination and availability of resources.
• A lot of issues are in process:
? Luke knows where the preferred name pilot process lies
? Resident life issues are in discussion
? Recommendation could simply be “get it done now”
- What should we be addressing and what should we ask other departments to address?
- By the beginning of next week (approx. April 25) the updated copy of the raw notes will be available for review.
b. What will the recommendations look like?
- Recommendations should include an objective and coinciding action items.
• “The University will provide resources for all staff and faculty”
• Provide broader themes so the recommendation isn’t just speaking to one office or department.
- Mark and Laura can help facilitate the May 9 meeting to bring all the objectives together.
- When will recommendations go out and be in process?
• Suggestion that the recommendations should be out by September at the latest/before the beginning of the academic year
c. Talk about membership transition, especially the student membership population
5. Summer Meetings
a. The Commission agreed to make a regular meeting schedule over the summer.
- Penny will ask about using Health Center meeting room
- Waiting until September to work on these issues is unacceptable
b. In the introductory comments for town halls notes: “The Commission is going to be working over the summer to come up with some concrete recommendations to be issued before the beginning of the new academic year.”
c. Doodle survey will be sent out soon to establish good meeting times for summer.
- Luke will run the July meeting, as Tanner will likely be out of town.
6. Strategic Planning Retreat
a. Plan a day long or half-day retreat to establish priorities for next semester.
- Retreat planning committee:
• Luke • Dan
• Jarah • Hannah
- The use of a facilitator who is not a part of the Commission. They will need to be paid. Tanner will speak to Rob about funding.
- Service building – talk to Dan Hayes if the space is needed.
b. Start the strategic planning next meeting.
- Look at days to hold a potential retreat with facilitation. Week after commencement?
• Doodle survey will go out after Tanner and Luke speak with the facilitators (Vicky). Looking at dates between May 23-June 3.
7. Announcements/Reminders
Lavender Graduation – May 19, 6 p.m. Colony Ballroom
- Please RSVP on the website @ / events / lavender graduation
? Encourage graduating students to fill out all of the information.
- There is a pre-commencement planning party, Thursday in the Pyon Su Room in the Stamp Student Union from 6:30-8. Graduates are encouraged to attend to give suggestions.
- Please submit names of students who are graduating that the office should reach out to... Especially graduate students because they are difficult to reach.
Future Pride Alliance Leaders/Facilitators Needed
- A lot of the student leaders are graduating so suggestions for leaders and facilitators for the group are appreciated. Forward your suggestions to JoJo.
Out List – no longer in the Diambondback
- The online out list of faculty and staff is still a huge resource for students. If anyone wants to be added to the list, please contact Luke or Nick.
LGBT Equity newsletter – JoJo… can you elaborate on this? Is there a way to submit events, etc.?
Nominations are open
- Office of LGBT Equity, Champion of Our Community and Defender of Diversity Awards - Please submit your nominations!